Parli Prep Per Round

Here is the list of how Parli Prep will be done at MHQ 2024.

Parli Round 1 - Full internet and can use coaching

Parli Round 2 - Full internet and can use coaching

Parli Round 3 - Full internet, only competing students. Competitors can work together

Parli Round 4 - Full internet, only competing students. Competitors can work together

Parli Round 5 - No internet, no phone, text, etc. Can use onsite coaching, and printed materials as follows: Dictionary, Constitution, World Almanac, CIA World Factbook

Parli Round 6 - No internet, no phone, text, etc. Can use onsite coaching, and printed materials as follows: Dictionary, Constitution, World Almanac, CIA World Factbook

Parli Out Round 1 - Three Strikes. Full internet and coaching

Parli Out Round 2 - Three Strikes. No internet. No coaching. Teams work on their own. Can use printed materials as follows: Dictionary, Constitution, World Almanac, CIA World Factbook